May 5, 2020
When Benjamin Franklin wrote his autobiography, he made the interesting choice to include a graph that detailed his weekly schedule. In giving himself the solitude to work, he accomplished much. As we have grown accustomed to having fewer and weaker boundaries, interiority has declined. In this time the...
Apr 29, 2020
Typically, people view altruism as the opposite of selfishness. If we reimagine our notions of self and other and imagine that one's sense of self is developmentally dynamic, altruism is simply as state of self so large that it encompasses more than the physical being possessed of consciousness. With sociopathy...
Apr 14, 2020
For a long while, it seemed that there were two categories of homemade videos; cute videos of cats and babies and those that appeal to schadenfreude where bears fall from trees or people are hit by cars. The documentary, once marginal, has become the great usurper. Serial programming must now vie for budgets against...
Apr 7, 2020
Public art, specifically street music, is an often under appreciated component of a rich urban culture. As many people are forced into a shelter-in-place lifestyles with the outbreak of COVID-19, busking has disappeared. However, in New York City, where the state's governor has implemented a more stratified...
Mar 17, 2020
Non-Playing Characters, or, NPC's are a feature of video games. I suggest that there exist human NPC's who follow protocol rather than think for themselves. Here I discuss the what it is to live under the yoke of technology.